1,105 – 1,111, 1,111 – 1,121, 1,121 – 1,128.5

I forgot to mention yesterday that when I got home on Wednesday, basically the second I walked outside it started raining. I don’t have a gym membership in JC, but it was pretty frustrating. My plan is to “borrow” Monday from next week (again) to finish the week, and then do 5 more workouts from Tues-Saturday. That will be 9 days in a row, which will be challenging, but I think necessary. Here’s the plan:

Tuesday 15th: 5 miler
Thursday 16th: 10 miler
Fri 17th: 6 mile recovery jog
Sat 18th:  20 mile long run
Sun 19th: 6 mile recovery
Monday 20th: 10 total with intervals (57 mile week 14)
Tues 21st: 6 recovery
Weds 22nd: 12 total, 6 easy, 6 back at marathon pace
Thurs 23rd: 8
Fri 24th: 7
Sat 25th: 21 long run
Mon 27th: 6 recover (60 mile week 15)

Marathon training started at 651 miles for the year, so I have done 460 so far. If I do all these miles, Ill be at 556 through 15 weeks. I’ve decided I’m only doing a 2 week taper, and week 16 should be pretty high mileage, but obviously I’m backing down a lot in weeks 17 and 18. My total mileage for this year is a lot less than last year, and I’m not really sure how I feel about that. I definitely feel like I got burned out pretty bad last year, so I am hopeful to avoid that.

I wrote most of this on Friday, so here’s what happened:

On Friday, I did 6 miles, which was mostly a jog but I threw in a .1 mile stride into each mile, and finished in about 44:30. Saturday, I did a 2 mile warmup, and then 6 timed miles on a track at Lincoln Park. I was trying to do 8 minute miles with 1 minute rest, and pretty much every mile was between 7:55 and 8:05. The splits I remember are 8:06, 16:12, 24:10, 32:04, 40:10, and 48:10. It felt really good and the miles felt easy, so that was a nice workout. Today (Sunday) I planned to jog 6 but I got mega-lost and ran 7.5. It was insanely slow. Tomorrow I am running 20. I’ll be back for that. See ya!

About mattgerber

Blog dog dot org dot wordpress should be a fun website to try and get people to remember
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